I love them.
They loosen the rigid corners of our beliefs, they make us believe in the possibility of the impossible, they call out depths within us we always wanted to know, they comfort interior spaces we didn’t know needed to be cared for, and they invite us to imagine previously unforeseeable futures.
(Told you I love words.)
I have preached hundreds of sermons, taught about the heart and soul of the creative process for some of Hawaii’s premier creatives, lead Enneagram experiences in multiple co-working spaces, have walked numerous groups through the journey to forgiveness, and have led retreats for clergy focused on the pain, wisdom and wonder of leading.
I look forward to the day I can do more of this for you and the people you care about.
The church is beautiful, the sermon is powerful, and I believe in preaching. I would love to be present with your church and preach on a Sunday. My desire to keep loving and serving the church continues to burn bright. And to be able to with your community would be such a joy for me and (hopefully) a gift for them.
While my teaching has been liberating for the church, it has not been limited to the church. I aspire to encourage, inspire, and challenge all people—creatively, relationally, and vocationally. From topics such as liberated creativity, justice, courageous leadership, acceptance and letting go—to name a few—I can speak to any group of people and invite them into more life.
Leading Retreats
What is the relationship between contemplation and action? What does letting go have to do with being present? Is there an inner mechanics to forgiveness? How do we face and feel our pain all the way through? What is a mystic? These are just a small sample of the kinds of questions I am prepared to lead people through on a retreat. Whether it is an afternoon, entire day or multiple days, I can make something meaningful happen for you and the people you serve.
Staff Sessions
Whatever possibilities I shared about my capacity for leading retreats extends naturally to shorter sessions with teams and staff. Through my experience church planting and pastoring, along with writing multiple books, there is wisdom I would love to share with your people.
This is one is quite simple. I would be honored to perform the ceremony for your wedding, or for someone you love. This is a simple process if you live in Hawai’i or are planning to get married here.